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25eme anniversaire du Club Z/ZX Holland 9-12 Sept 2010

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  • 25eme anniversaire du Club Z/ZX Holland 9-12 Sept 2010

    Et oui, en 2010, ils sont exist? depuis 1985 (9 ans apr?s le club Britannique) et comme d'habiture tous les 5 ans, ils vont faire la f?te et nous sommes invit?s.

    Ils ont programm? quelque chose sur 4 jours, fin juillet et avec une journ?e sur le circuit d'Assen.

    Tout es ? confirmer encore mais notez le dans vos agendas car ?a sera enorme !

  • #2
    pourquoi crois tu que je me d?p?che de remonter ma caisse?
    D'un Z qui veut dire...


    • #3 l'ann?e prochain, non seulement il y aura les journ?es ouverts aux pistes mais Le Mans Classic ET maintenant Assen.

      Assen sera que les Zs/Zxs avec voitures de toute l'europe ! La derni?re fois (tu me corrige si n?cessaire) ils etaient 225+ !


      • #4
        c'?tait ma premi?re sortie en Z il y a 5 ans

        la voiture ?tait remont?e la veille au soir... j'ai un peu gal?r?, ouvert les mikunis sur le terrain de camping etc...

        il faut laver l'affront! et y retourner!
        par exemple, si j'avais fini de la remonter ? nouveau la veille, ce serait un anniversaire pour moi aussi ;o)
        D'un Z qui veut dire...


        • #5
          ?a donne envie !!


          • #6
            je vais - aucune doute - komt je wel ? Heerlijk.


            • #7
              la date du 25° anniversaire du Z club de Hollande est fixée au 9 à 12 Septembre.

              J'ai éliminé les n° de téléphone et mails pour leur éviter des spams. Mais tout est dispo en pm via Sean ou moi-même.

              [Extrait du courrier]

              July 2010

              Dear Z-ZX friends,

              As you already have been notified the Z&ZX Club Holland celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. In contradiction to prior announcements we will celebrate this event from 9th September until 12th September 2010 (NOT on the 26th until 29th of August 2010 as mentioned before).

              As you might expect we like to celebrate this with all Z & ZX lovers from all over and therefore we like to invite you for this happening.


              Thursday 9th September
              As from 03.00 pm the reception/registration of the first guests at the campsite will take place. The exact location is Vakantiepark (Holiday park) Witterzomer, Witterzomer 7 at Assen (Drenthe). You will find a big Z-club tent at this campsite, which serves as the general meeting point. At this place we will also enjoy our meals and get-togethers. During this day we can catch up with each other and enjoy a buffet dinner. Drinks are not included; you can obtain tokens at the Z-club tent. From 03.00 pm until 4.30 pm the reception will be open at the Z-club tent for registration and obtaining drink-tokens. At 06.00 pm and we will have a typical Dutch dinner. Bedtime is around 11:00 pm.

              Friday 10th September
              At 08:00 am breakfast is served at the Z-club tent. At 09:30 am we will have a Z-tour through the pretty landscape of Groningen and Drenthe. When we return the reception will be open at the Z-club tent for registration and obtaining drink-tokens from 04.00 pm until 05.00 pm. We will have dinner at 06.00 pm. Bedtime is around 11.00 pm.

              Saturday 11th September
              Again at 08:00 am breakfast is served at the Z-club tent. As from 09:30 am until 10:30 am the reception will be open at the Z-club tent for registration and obtaining drink-tokens. You can participate at the sports and games event at the campsite between 10:30 am until 12:30 pm. Thereafter we will have lunch. After the lunch break, as from 01.30 pm, we will organize a game of Z-skills, on the nearby lawn. Participating is fun but also just watching this spectacle is worth while.
              From 03.30 pm until 04.30 pm reception will be open at the Z-club tent for registration and obtaining drink-tokens and we will have a luxury BBQ dinner incl. drinks from 06.00 pm. This BBQ diner is sponsored by Nissan Holland! Again bedtime is around 11:00 pm.

              Sunday 12th September
              At 06:30 am early-breakfast is served at the Z-club tent.
              Alltogether and all at once we will leave for TT*Circuit Assen at 08:00 am!
              At 9.00 am sharp the programme by Advanced Driving School (ADS) will begin. During this day our driving skills will be greatly improved. There is also an opportunity to do some free driving on the racetrack. So, not only lots of fun, but also very educational! Lunch will be served at the TT Circuit Assen.

              We will close the total event at 06.00 pm.

              The costs will be a 1 year membership of € 62,50, which includes the participation to this jubilee event of you and your partner! It also includes the sending of 4 editions of our Z-magazine, which is in Dutch of course. During the event all meals are included and also the main event on Sunday is free of charge. Drinks will be charged at reduced rates. Lodging expenses are not included. In case you would like to put up your tent or camper at Vakantiepark Witterzomer the costs will be € 12,50 per person per night, pets € 5,00 per night. You can also rent a bungalow at Vakantiepark Witterzomer. In case you need any assistance for booking, please contact one of the persons mentioned below.

              You are very welcome to join us in celebrating our 25th anniversary. Your entry can be sent to evenementinfo e-mail, please use the registration form which is enclosed in this letter or you can contact one of the persons mentioned below. Please do so before 27th August.
              Fichiers attachés
              D'un Z qui veut dire...


              • #8
                Hi all,

                It seems the committee has to confirm by the end of the week how many people are coming to the Dutch meeting.
                A few parts of our fest (circuit Assen/bbq) need ‘numbers’, which is logical..
                So I you havened decide yet, make up your mind very quick….


                [COLOR="Blue"][I] "Colourful fearsome cars were roaring in the woods again.
                The sight and sound of the mighty Datsun 240Zs will long be savoured" [/I][/COLOR]


                • #9
                  les photos!





                  D'un Z qui veut dire...

